Program List

The number of (the)data : 7
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance

Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter (2022)


A high school girl, Koume, and her working stiff father, Kyoichiro, wake up one day after a traffic accident to find they have switched bodies. The two had been drifting apart, but are now thrown into each other’s lives. Kyoichiro, for example, shows no interest in Koume’s love interest, a classmate named Kenta. Ironically, however, Kenta finds himself more attracted to Koume ever since the swap. There’s plenty of hijinks in this bizarre love triangule style romcom!

요즘 시대의 여고생 고우메와 평범한 샐러리맨에 완고한 아빠 쿄이치로.
예전에는 사이가 좋았던 부녀였지만 요 몇 년간 서먹한 관계이다.
어느 날, 짝사랑 중이던 겐타 선배의 데이트 신청에 감격해하는 고우메는 쿄이치로와 함께
사고를 당하고 눈을 떠보니 아빠와 딸의 몸과 정신이 바뀌어 있었다…!
고우메의 모습이 된 아빠는 겐타의 접근을 차단 시키려 하지만 작전은 모두 엉뚱하게
겐타와 사귀고 싶은 고우메, 딸을 뺏기고 싶지 않은 쿄이치로, 고우메보다 쿄이치로의
성격에 끌리는 겐타의 “아빠와 딸과 남자친구”의 기묘한 삼각관계 러브 코미디!


  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Suspense

  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Suspense



The ultimate survival story of a con-artist in a glacial world.

The year is 20XX.
After a huge meteorite crash, the earth has been plunged into a freezing ice age.
All civilizations have been submerged in ice, with communication and transportation networks cut off.
In a world where money and status no longer hold any power, the remaining few survivors suffer in extreme conditions.

Genius con-artist Shoko escapes from prison in the chaos of the meteorite crash and finds her way to an evacuee shelter. Unfortunately, the shelter has a “Family First” rule and Shoko is forced to call on help from other survivors, disguising them to seem like her husband, daughter and son.
Determined to survive, Shoko has only one goal, to be reunited with her son whom she was forcibly separated from. Believing that he is still alive in a different shelter, she will do whatever it takes to survive and reunite with him.
Not only that but it seems her fake family also have their own reasons for needing to remain in disguise, and con-artist Shoko’s decisions continue to increase the chaos already ongoing at the shelter.
Will Shoko be able to reunite with her son?
A chilling story of survival depicting the, at times comical, at times serious, true nature of humans trapped in a hostile environment.




  • Family
  • Fantasy

  • Family
  • Fantasy



Who would you spend the end of the world with?
The story is set in Japan in the near future, when the world is waiting for a giant comet that will destroy all life on Earth in six months. Life with the seemingly average Kadokura family appears not to have changed at all. They figure if they’re all going to die together in six months, they may as well spend their remaining time with family. But then Kumiko, mother and housewife of the Kadokura family makes an announcement. “I’m sorry to say such a thing at a time like this, but there’s someone that I love. I want to live with them. It’s not my family that I want to be with on the Earth’s final day.” Her family is astonished, but no one can stop her now. Kumiko brushes away their pleas to stay, and leaves her home with a simple “I’m sorry.” Her family is left behind in shock.
Is there any point in going to work anymore? Or should we keep working hard until the end? What is money even worth now…? In the midst of all this doubt, there are frequent stoppages of water and electricity, and with gasoline growing scarce, the base fare for a taxi ride jumps up to 12,000 yen!! Waves of panic swell higher and higher.
When the end is in sight, we want to live true to ourselves, no matter how far from “normal” that may be. As the time limit draws near, the scars, conflicts, hopes, and sorrows of family members and neighbors are revealed oneby one.
No one dies in this story, nor does anyone’s personality completely collapse. It’s an exciting and spectacular home drama, full of tears and laughter, about the end of the world!

巨大隕石が接近‼地球滅亡まで…あと半年!? 最後まで家族一緒に…って、わたし、このままでいいの!? 地球最後の“スペクタクルホームドラマ”開幕!!






  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)



The newcomer to Kaguraya in the fourth season.
The first season of this popular drama aired from Nov 2010, and was followed by season two in Oct 2011, and season three in Jan 2014.
In this fourth season of Behind the Curtain, Naoko has overcome a variety of handicaps to become the innkeeper of Kaguraya and strong enough to voice her opinions to Shino. One of these opinions is that you don't have to be ""the innkeeper's daughter"", that anyone can become an innkeeper if they have the drive and a true desire to be hospitable to guests. Shino opposes this point of view and begins a series of lectures on the ""Kanazawa innkeeper"". The positive and cheerful yet dull-witted and sloppy Machiko comes to apply for the apprentice position. Shino takes one look at the scrawled letters on her C. V. and dismisses her as ""hopeless"", but Naoko worries about Machiko and hires her as a trainee. However, Machiko's presence causes a new commotion at Kaguraya...
The latest season is also full of the ""Spirit of Good service, Good Hospitality"" and beautiful scenary in Kanazawa area, which is the hottest place now.


  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)



The biggest challenge for both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law since the first season.
This is the third season of the afternoon drama series that first aired in November 2010, with its second season from October 2012. It is set at a long-established inn called Kaguraya and depicts the ongoing battle between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. After her husband Sosuke disappeared for the second time, Naoko’s mother-in-law, Shino, treated her like an outsider, yet she didn’t become discouraged and even ended up achieving her heart’s desire, successful going “behind the curtain” of the family inn. However, Naoko is again beset by various troubles, happenings, and incidents. For example, at the official ceremony to take on the title of innkeeper, she has to dance, even though she has no experience. And due to her husband’s repeated disappearances, the possibility of divorce looms large. However, with four years of experience under her belt now, Naoko doesn’t just endure when her life is in a shambles. She tackles her problems head on.

第1、第2シリーズとご好評を頂いた『花嫁のれん』が、更に進化して帰ってきました。二度にわたる夫・宗佑(津田寛治)の失踪にもめげず、姑・志乃からの厳しい指導にも耐え、ついに念願の「花嫁のれん」をくぐることができた奈緒子。ところが本シリーズでは様々な危機が訪れる。女将(おかみ)襲名披露で、経験のない踊りを披露することになったり…。夫・宗佑の度重なる失態に、離婚の可能性が浮上したり…。しかし今度の奈緒子は、これまでのように我慢するばかりではありません。女将修業をしてきた4年間の経験から、大女将の志乃にも堂々と意見を言えるように。これまで以上に、嫁姑、親子関係も波瀾(はらん)万丈な展開。あの手この手の嫁・姑バトル勃発!!嫁・姑そろって離婚の危機!! さてさてどうなりますことやら…。

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)



The showdown between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at a traditional Japanese inn continues in this series. But this time, “the spirit of good service” bypasses international boundaries as some of the main characters venture to Taiwan.
As wife to the oldest son of the family that owns a traditional inn in Kanazawa, former career woman Naoko trains to be the proprietress. However, her husband, Sousuke, disappears and mother-in-law, Shino, still refuses to accept Naoko as her son’s bride. When Sousuke is discovered to be in Taiwan, Shino orders Naoko to bring him back. While Naoko is in Taiwan, her strongest rival appears. It’s Shino’s niece, Yukiko, and she’s the same age as Naoko. When the two women get back to Japan, Shino has them compete with each other to see who will become manager of the inn. Complicating matters is the arrival of a new chef, who falls in love with Naoko.
There are plenty of both laughs and tears in this family drama set in both Kanazawa and Taiwan, and features battles between mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and two women of the same generation.


  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Drama (Series)



This is a home drama about the clash between a former career woman and the madam of a distinguished Japanese inn.
Naoko, a career woman from Tokyo marries Sosuke, son of a distinguished Japanese inn located in Kanazawa. However, the inn's madam?Sosuke's mother?rejected her son's marriage to an ""outsider"". One day, Sosuke vanishes, leaving behind him a large debt. To make things worse, Naoko's company goes out of business. In effort to pay off Sosuke's debts, Naoko tells the madam that she wants to work at the inn.
Mother-in-law vs. Daughter-in-law is full of beautiful Japanese scenery and traditions. The story illustrates a real female character through her clash with her mother-in-law.
